Research Institute of Bacterial Resistance

about the institute

Mission statement

Monitor the trends of antimicrobial resistance continuously and detect novel resistance from bacteria in Korean to support empirical selection of the most appropriate antimicrobial agents for the treatment of patients, determine the causes of the increasing prevalence of resistant bacteria to be able to improve guidelines for the prevention of emerging resistant bacterial infections. Identify emergence of new resistant bacteria and establish laboratory methods for the detection, and determine in vitro and in vivo activities of existing antimicrobial agents, and provide necessary information for development of new antimicrobial agents. In addition, provide training to professional staffs in order to promote development of this field.

Research areas

  • Monitor the trends of resistant bacteria and determine the causes of emerging resistant bacteria
  • Identify new resistance mechanisms and provide necessary information for the development of novel antimicrobial agents
  • Evalute new antimicrobial agents developed in Korea and as well as in foreign countries
  • Investigate epidemiology of multidrug-resistant bacteria and perform molecular epidemiologic

Basic activities

  • Research
    • Analysis of the new treands of resistant bacteria and determine the causes of emerging resistant
    • Identify resistance mechanism and the molecular eidemiology research in nosocomial infection
    • Evalution of new antimicrobial agents
    • Development of the method and domestic reagents for detecting resistant bacteria
  • Education and training
    • Education for clinicians and clinical microbiologists
    • Training to improve the quality of antimicrobial resistance testing
    • Training for professional staffs

International Cooperation

Joint research and academic exchange with other leading institutions

Academic activities

Seminars, Conferences

Other support activities

  • Publishing Newsletters and booklets
  • Distribute quality control strains and assess quality control activities of antimicrobial susceptibility testing

Organization Chart

organization Chart


Publications Table, number(01,02,03,04,05), contents informational
01 Evolution of Resistance and Spread of Multidrug-Resistant Bacteria. Lee K, Chong Y, Yong D, Yum JH, Chong S: Biomedical Press, Seo Heung Publishing Company, Seoul Korea, 2007, 82-2-702-0143
02 Antimicrobial resistance in gram-positive bacteria and gram-negative cocci. Chong Y, Lee K: Biomedical Press, Seo Heung Publishing Company, Seoul Korea, 1997, 82-2-702-0143
03 Antimicrobial resistance and mechanisms in bacterial pathogen. Chong Y, Lee K: Biomedical Press, Seo Heung Publishing Company, Seoul Korea, 1998, 82-2-702-0143
04 Diagnostic Microbiology (4th Ed.). Chong Y, Lee K, Kim H-S, Kim SM, Shin JH, Jeong SH, Yong  D:  Biomedical Press, Seo Heung Publishing Company, Seoul Korea, 2009, 82-2-702-0143
05 Novel antimicrobial resistance and mechanisms of bacteria.  Chong Y, Lee K, Yum JH, Yong D, Chong S: Biomedical Press, Seo Heung Publishing Company, Seoul Korea, 2002, 82-2-702-0143

Antimicrobial Resistance Newsletter