Department of Medical Life Systems Information

The graduate program in Biostatistics and Computing offers two graduate degrees : the Master of Science (MS) and the Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.)

General Information

The objectives of the two graduate degree programs are as follows :

  • To provide professional and research-oriented training in the theory and methodology of biostatistics and its potential applications to real life problems, with supplementary study of a field to which biostatistics can be applied.
  • To provide computer-oriented training that prepares individuals for positions that require a broad knowledge of public health along with specialized basic knowledge of biostatistics.

Entrance Requirements

  • Special entrance
  • Written test

The written entrance test is composed of elementary biostatistics and selective subject.

Program Requirements for the Degree

This program requires successful completion of courses from the following compositions:

  • Common requirements
    • Area I (Biostatistics) 9 units(M.S.), 18 units (Ph.D.)
      • Courses in Biostatistics Area including Biostatistical methods.
    • Area II (Theory and Applied Statistics) : 6 units (M.S.), 12units (Ph.D.)
      • Courses in Theory or Applied Statistics including one course of Mathematical Statistics and Linear Statistics.
    • Area III (Public Health) : 3 units (M.S.), 6 units (Ph.D.)
      • Course from Introduction to Public Health, Introduction to Epidermiology, Health Services Administration, or Research Methodology in Public Health.
  • Requirements for the degree
    • Major in Biostatistics : additional 6 units in area I or II or
    • Major in Computer Science : additional 6 units in area IV(Computer Science)
  • General selectives

    The Students can select courses from the above areas or from other general departments. However, when selecting courses from other departments, the courses must be related to this program and should be approved by the chairman or the advisor.

Entrance Requirements

  • Area I
    • NS501 Biostatistical Methods (3)
    • NS505 Survival Analysis (3)
    • NS502 Design of Clinical Experiments (3)
    • NS504 Analysis of Longitudinal Data (3)
    • NS503 Generalized Linear Models (3)
    • NS506 Design and Analysis of Clinical Experiments
    • NS507 Biostatical Data Mining
    • NS508 Introduction to Bioinformatics
    • NS511 Statistical Methods for Incomplete Data (3)
    • NS512 Introduction to Statistical Genetics (3)
    • NS514 Statistical Bioinformatics (3)
    • NS521 Special Topics in Biostatistics (3)
    • NS531 Introduction to Biostatistical Compurting (3)
    • NS602 Clinical Trials in Practice (3)
    • NS612 Genetic Data Analysis (3)
    • NS699 Directed Research I
    • NS700 Directed Research II
    • NS712 Advanced Startistical Genetics
    • NS731 Special Topics in Advanced Biostatistics
  • Area II
    • Courses in the department of Applied Statistics and Econometrics courses in the Department of Economics
  • Area III
    • Courses in the Department of Public Health or Medicine
  • Area IV
    • Courses in the departments of Computer Sciences and Industrial Systems Engineering