Institute of Gastroenterology


The aim of the institute is to conduct systematized and specialized research in the filed of gastroenterology. Interdepartmental collaboration is strongly encouraged in the field of gastroenterology.


On the field of etiology, pathophysiology, diagnosis, and treatment in separate trial which is time consuming and ineffective in terms of productivity and collaborate and translational approach. Some achievement has been achieved despite the fact that therei is a limit for this success.
Therefore in order to investigate the etiology and pathophysiology of gastroenterologic diseases throught collaborative cowork between basic and clinical sciences, the Institute of gastroenterology, Yonsei University College of Medicine was founded in March 1st, 1992 by clinicians, scientists and researchers who share common interest in the field of gastroenterology.
Currently both basic and clinical research are conduced by separate division of department resulting in lack of collaboration and productive approach.
Department includes physiology, biochemistry, microbiology, pharmacology and pathology in basic science while medicine, pediatrics, surgery, radiology, medical oncology, radiation oncology in clinical research fields

Organization with faculty members

  • Chairman : Chae Yoon Chon, M.D
  • Directors : Kwang-hyub Han, M.D., Ph.D
  • Secretary / treasurer :  Yong Chan Lee, M.D.
    • Council members
      • Kyung Hwan Kim, M.D.
      • Park Chanil, M.D.
      • Kim Chung Bae, M.D.
      • Moon Young Myung, M.D.
      • Lee Sang In, M.D.
      • Lee Jong Tae, M.D.
      • Chung Ki Sub, M.D.
      • Chung Jae Bock, M.D.
      • Kim Ki Whang, M.D.
      • Han Kwang-Hyub, M.D.
      • Kim Won Ho, M.D.
  • Faculty Researchers
    • Internal Medicine: Kwan Sik Lee, M.D., Dong Ki Lee, M.D., Hyo Jin Park, M.D., Han Kwang-Hyub, M.D., Kim Won Ho, M.D., Song Si Young, M.D., Lee Yong Chan, M.D., Kim Tae Il, M.D., Paik Yong Han, M.D., Ahn Sang Hoon, M.D.,
    • Surgery: Noh Sung Hoon, M.D., Kim Nam Kyu, M.D., Lee Woo Jung, M.D.
    • Radiology: Kim Myung Jin, M.D., Lee Do Yun, M.D.
    • Clinical pathology: Kim Hyun Sook, M.D.
    • Pathology: Kim Ho Keun, M.D., Park Yong Nyun, M.D.
    • Radiation Oncology: Sung Jin Sil, M.D.
    • Pharmacology: Kim Kyung Hwan, M.D., Kim Hye Young, Ph.D., Lee Min Ku, M.D.
    • Research Scientists
      • Head Research Staff: Kim Han Soo, Ph.D.
      • Research Assistants: Chang Hyae Young, M.S.
        Yang Kyung Min, M.S.
        Park Kyung Wha, M.S.
        Hong Si Nae, M.S.

Scientific activities

The institute is committed to advancing the science and practice of gastroenterologic diseases. The institute dictates a comprehensive approach to fostering the gastroenterological research endeavor, including funding for research, support for young researchers and policies that enables to stimulate interdepartmental collaborative work in the field of gastroenterology.

For ease of understanding, the institutional scientific activities may be classified into three fields; Gastrointestinal tract, Hepatology and Biliary-pancreas tree. However, active cross-over researches are ongoing in which research fields are not restricted to organ orientation and many integrative and multidisciplinary approaches on the way.

  • Gastrointestinal tract
    • Pathogenesis, treatment and prevention of peptic ulcer disease.
    • Gastric carcinogenesis
    • Pathogenesis of Helicobacter pylori related gastroduodenal diseases
    • Gastrointestinal motility disorders: pathogenesis, diagnosis and treatement
    • Mucosal immunology
    • Inflammatory bowel disease
    • Colon carcinogenesis with chemoprevention.
    • Therapeutic endoscopy
    • Cell cycle control mechanism and stem biology in Gl cancer
    • Development of capsule endoscope
  • Hepatology
    • Hepatic fibrogenesis and development of antifibrogenic agent
    • Ascites and Portal hypertension
    • Liver transplantation
    • New treatment modality and prevention of Hepatocellular carcinoma
    • Chronic viral hepatitis
    • Molecular pathogenesis of hepatic fibrosis
    • Development of novel therapy for liver cirrhosis
    • Molecular biology of hepatitis B virus
    • Stem cell treatment in liver failure
    • Virology and antiviral therapy of hepatitis B virus
  • Biliary-Pancreas
    • Physiology of Pancreas
    • Pathogenesis and treatment of Acute and chronic pancreatitis
    • Development of drug-eluting covered metal stent for malignant biliary obstruction
    • Endoscopic therapeutic intervention for biliary and pancreatic diseases.
    • Cancer stem cell in pancreatic cance
    • Development of novel diagnostic and therapeutic modalities in pancreatic cancer
    • Translational research in pancreato-biliary tract cancer
    • Pathogenesis of choledocholithiasis

Educational activities

The Institute does its best to provides continuing education to general health care practitioners as well as gastroenterologists focused on digestive health.

While creating programs to enhance GI skills and knowledge, the institute holds special lectures occasionally throughout the year given by world-renown experts and professionals. Some help experienced professionals keep up to date on advances in the field while others help new or potential gastroenterologists to obtain the training.

The institute also provides annual educational course directed to general health care professionals and gastroenterologist in collaboration with Division of Gastroenterology, Yonsei University College of Medicine

  • International symposium: The institute annually holds international symposium in which world famous scientists and doctors join to have active participation with discussion. The institute already have held 13 international symposium and this year we are going to have the symposium on August 27th, 2005 in commemoration of late-Professor Jin Kyung Kang.
  • Special lectures: through out the year
  • Academic courses directed to general health care practitioners as well as gastroenterologists focused on digestive health hold annually.