Medical Convergence Research Institute

  • Date of Establishment : May 10, 2009
  • Director :Yong-Min Huh, M.D., Ph.D.
  • Number of Researchers : 12
  • Main Research Areas
    • Development of medical diagnostics based on MBNT technology convergence
      • In vitro diagnostics for personalized cancer therapy
      • In vivo medical imaging devices including one that emits terahertz electromagnetic wave
    • Nano-theragnosis: Development of imaging probes and drug delivery system using nanotechnology for personalized therapy
    • Discovery of original technology for the development of new medicine
    • Regeneration medicine based on stem cells
    • Biomedical Imaging technology
      • MR imaging
      • Optical imaging
      • Terahertz wave imaging
    • Establishment of a collaboration system for rapid pre-clinical with the Korea Research Institute of Bioscience and Biotechnology (KRIBB)