Undergraduate Program

Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN)

The Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) program at Yonsei University College of Nursing is designed to educate and train professional nurses who possess integrated nursing knowledge and skills for therapeutic care and collaboration in specialized fields.

Established in 1957, the program received accreditation as a four-year regular university course. The practicum of undergraduate students takes place in various excellent institutions, including a center equipped with state-of-the-art simulations and internationally accredited medical institutions such as Severance Hospital, certified by the Joint Commission International (JCI).

Accelerated Bachelor of Science in Nursing (ABSN)

The Accelerated Bachelor of Science in Nursing (ABSN) program at Yonsei University College of Nursing is designed for students who have already obtained a bachelor's degree in a non-nursing field. This program aims to foster professional nurses who possess specialized knowledge and skills in the field of nursing. It provides a focused and comprehensive education in nursing for full-time two years, offering structured academic courses and practical training opportunities.


YR 1st Semester 2nd Semester Total
Subject [Credit] 126*
Curriculum Table, 1st Semester, 2nd Semester informational 
1st Basic Science for Nursing I [2]
Introduction to Nursing Science [2]
Basic Science for Nursing II [3]
Global Society and Health [1]
2nd Pathophysiology [3]
Communication Theory I [2]
Family Health [2]
Human Growth and Development [2]
Introduction to Clinical Nursing Practice I [2]
Pharmacology [2]
Health Promotion and Education [3]
Health Assessment and Practicum [3]
Introduction to Clinical Nursing Practice II [2]
3rd Communication Theory II [1]
Nursing & Information System [2]
Nursing I [3]
Nursing V [3]
Integrated Nursing Practicum I [5]
Nursing II [4]
Nursing IV [2]
Community Health Nursing [3]
Integrated Nursing Practicum II [5]
4th Nursing III [3]
Nursing Management [3]
Evidence Based Nursing and Research [3]
Integrated Nursing Practicum III [6]
Statistics [2]
Nursing Ethics & Law [2]
Integrated Nursing Practicum IV [5]
Leadership Development [2]
Clinical Reasoning [1]
Comprehensive Examination [0]
Elective Nutrition & Diet [2], Women’s Health [2], Gerontologic Nursing [2], Genetics & Behavioral [2], Chronic Disease Management [2], Management of Children with Developmental Disabilities [2], Health Care Policy and Nursing [2], Critical Care Nursing [2], Life & Death [2], Understanding Global Healthcare and Nursing I, III [1], Understanding Global Healthcare and Nursing II [2], Patient Safety [2], Health Ageing Design [2], Theory of School Health Education [2], Study for Curriculum and Teaching Materials of School Health Education [2] 8

Course Descriptions

NUR1105, 2022 Basic Science for Nursing I, II

  • These courses cover an introduction to the anatomy and physiology of the human body and provide the principles essential for studying the gross and microscopic anatomy of the human body in relation to their functions. They provide a basic concept of the function of systems in the human body. Emphasis is on the understanding of mechanisms to maintain homeostasis of the human body. This course aims to develop the ability to distinguish abnormal human body structures and functions with health problems from normal ones by understanding basic human anatomy and physiology.

NUR1109 Introduction to Nursing Science

  • This course explores the scientific and artistic aspects of nursing based on an understanding of human beings, health, nursing, and the environment. It examines the historical roots of the nursing profession, explores various areas of the current nursing profession, and develops perspectives on future nursing roles.

NUR1110 Global Society and Health

  • This course provides an opportunity to understand the influence of globalization on health, and to develop competences to solve global health problems by interacting effectively with people of different cultures.

NUR2013 Pathophysiology

  • This course covers the basic concepts of pathophysiology. Student will learn broad subjects of diseases, and the phenomena that produce alterations in human physiologic function and the resulting human response.

NUR2111 Family Health

  • This course aims to understand family as a basic social unit and identify the characteristics of healthy families through case studies, literature review, and observation of the family structure, function, process, and diverse families. Throughout this course, students will have opportunity to find out family health problems and to make plans appropriate interventions for families.

NUR2401 Human Growth and Development

  • This course is designed to introduce students to basic knowledge and skills necessary to assess health problems of individuals across the lifespan and communicate assessed data within the health care team. Students will obtain basic knowledge and skills of interviewing, history taking and physical examination of each system in healthy individuals.

NUR2023, 2024 Introduction to Clinical Nursing Practice I, II

  • These courses provide the students with knowledge and clinical skills necessary to manage patients with human basic needs as well as varying health problems. In addition, these courses guide the students to apply nursing process to clinical practice.

NUR2101 Communication Theory I

  • This course aims to acquire the basic principles and skills of communication to enhance therapeutic communication ability. Throughout this course, students will have the opportunity to practice therapeutic communication skills by understanding themselves and others.

NUR3113 Communication Theory II

  • The purpose of this course is to enhance the ability to perform therapeutic communication with patients with various health problems in clinical settings and to improve communication skills within groups and organizations to facilitate cooperative relationships between professions.

NUR2026 Health Promotion and Education

  • This course includes introduction to health promotion, global and national goals for health, theoretical framework for understanding of health behavior change, and strategies for promoting health throughout the life cycle. Students will acquire the ability to systematically plan health education for individuals and groups.

NUR2006 Pharmacology

  • This course deals with the principles of drug action, and introduces concepts of how drugs exert their actions based on pathophysiological knowledge. At the end of this course, the student will be able to understand the drugs based on their pharmacodynamic and pharmacokinetic properties; plan nursing interventions based on the pathophysiology of the diseases and the pharmacodynamic and pharmacokinetic properties of the drugs; care patients safely and provide education for drugs.

NUR2025 Health Assessment

  • This course is designed to introduce students to basic knowledge and skills necessary to assess health problems of individuals across the lifespan and communicate assessed data within the health care team. Students will obtain basic knowledge and skills of interviewing, history taking and physical examination of each system in healthy individuals.

NUR2012 Health Assessment Practicum

  • This course is designed to introduce students to basic skills necessary to assess health problems of individuals across the lifespan and communicate assessed data within the health care team. Building upon the basic principles and knowledge gains, students will learn and practice skills of interviewing, history taking and physical examination of each system in healthy individuals.

NUR4121 Nursing & Information System

  • This course provides basic knowledge to properly utilize information using rapidly changing information and communication technologies. Therefore, in this course, students learn the core concepts of nursing informatics, information management and utilization skills, so that they can be applied for nursing practice, administration, education, and research to meet the diverse needs. Through this course, students will understand how to effectively use necessary nursing information and promote professional development and nursing quality improvement.

NUR3101 Nursing I

  • This course is to learn the nursing concept of nutrition, metabolic, and excretion of human health functional pattern, and to understand the various barriers and mechanisms that change the function of nutrition, metabolic, and excretion of children, adolescents, adults, and old adults. This course is also designed to improve the student`s ability to implement evidence based nursing to a patient with disease affecting to these functions.

NUR3102 Nursing II

  • This course covers health patterns that are related to activity and rest. The students will understand factors hindering daily activities, rest and sleep and their pathophysiology and will be able to apply nursing process in patient/family care plan.

NUR3005 Nursing III

  • This is a mandatory course for undergraduate students majoring nursing. Upon completion of the course, the students will understand pathophysiology of disease causing cognitive and sensory deficits and will be able to apply nursing process in patient/family care plan.

NUR3006 Nursing Ⅳ

  • Understanding the types and causes of mental health problems related to thinking/perception, emotion, behavior/impulse control caused by changes in self-concept, values/beliefs, roles/interpersonal relationships, and stress/coping-related functional aspects in children, adults, and the elderly Based on this, the nursing process is applied so that the nursing competency is provided to prevent, recover, maintain, and promote individual and family mental health problems.

NUR3007 Nursing Ⅴ

  • Nursing V is focused on the sexuality and reproductive health needs of adolescents, adults, and elderly. It encompasses nursing care for women and families in pregnancy and childbearing, as well as sexual and reproductive health issues across the lifespan, including women’s cancers and men’s reproductive health issues. Students will be able to apply the nursing process for treatment, recovery, health maintenance, and health promotion in sexual and reproductive health.

NUR3012, 3013 Integrated Nursing Practicum I, II

  • Integrated Nursing Practicum I, II cover general nursing including medical-surgical nursing, gerontology, pediatric nursing, gynecology and psychiatric nursing in university hospital settings. In addition, it deals with long term care and acute care nursing.

NUR4006, 4201 Integrated Nursing Practicum III, Ⅳ

  • Integrated Nursing Practicum III and Ⅳ provide an opportunity to learn medical-surgical nursing, geriatric nursing, women’s health nursing, pediatric nursing, psychiatric nursing, and community nursing in various health care settings. In addition, it covers long term care as well as acute care nursing.

NUR3114 Community Health Nursing

  • This course is designed for students to apply the community nursing process and tools in caring for individuals, families, organizations and communities as clients, and learn the roles and related competencies of community health nurses in diverse community settings.

NUR4117 Nursing Management

  • Learners will have the opportunity to explore principles of effective nursing leadership and management to play a role as nursing leaders in various social and healthcare settings. ln addition, the students are expected to analyze ethical issues of professional nurses based on ethical theory in health management system and explain their values.

NUR4114 Evidence Based Nursing and Research

  • This course aims to promote undergraduate nursing students to understand the importance and process of nursing research and apply fundamental knowledge to hands-on team project facilitating critical thinking with evidence-based practice perspectives.

NUR4118 Nursing Ethics & Law

  • This course includes the contents for the student to understand the bio-medical law system and nursing license regulations and identify the role of nursing in related bio-medical law. Moreover, this course provides nursing students opportunity to analyze ethical issues and to explain appropriate role based ethical theory and professional guidelines.

NUR4034 Clinical Reasoning

  • Students further refine skills in critical thinking and clinical reasoning in the application of theory and research to practice. Assessment, diagnostic, therapeutic, and health teaching strategies are applied to a continuum of health promotion/illness problems focusing on primary care across the continuum of care. Debriefing seminars are provided in learning the application of theory and research to the domains of nursing care practice to ensure the quality of healthcare practices. Students develop role competencies using the human patient simulator while applying the nursing process in mock healthcare settings.

NUR4115 Leadership Development

  • The leadership development course prepares students to successfully transition into professional nurses in the practice setting. Students should identify the scope of nursing practice, understand the importance of leadership capabilities required by various nursing situations, and reflect on their current leadership skills and future leadership development plans as professional nurses.

NUR4119 Statistics

  • This is an introductory course to provide the basic concepts of statistics and statistical methods frequently utilized in nursing research. The focus of this course is to understand the relevance of statistics and apply appropriate methods in nursing research.

NUR4008 Gerontological Nursing

  • Learners will have the opportunity to builds on knowledge of physical, psychological, cognitive and social needs of the aging population. Students will explore socio-cultural context of gerontologic nursing, professional standards of practice, common health challenges, changes in living environments, family issues, and dying and death.

NUR4009 Chronic Disease Management

  • The focus of this course is to provide scientific nursing knowledge to care people with chronic illness, and their families, to achieve optimal levels of health. Throughout this course, students will learn the role(s) of nurse, strategies for the utilization of useful resources in prevention and management of chronic disease as well as an overview of major chronic diseases.

NUR4011 Management of Children with Developmental Disabilities

  • The purpose of this subject is to understand the concept of developmental disabilities and the historical background of management for children with developmental disabilities, to overall understand the cause of developmental disabilities and the multi-disciplinary management methods used. Through this subject, students can learn not only about the health issues of children with developmental disabilities but also the social and psychological issues, and the nursing management methods that help children and their family adjust to developmental disabilities and improve their quality of life.

NUR4012 Life & Death

  • This course will be provided to expand understanding of the quality of life and death. Based on analyzing current phenomenon regarding life and death, unmet needs of patients in end of life situation will be explored. Before and After death and dying, various issues including ethical and legal issues will be discussed. Moreover, nurses’ specific role to help patients and families will be considered.

NUR4013 Critical Care Nursing

  • This course is designed to provide the nursing students with the knowledge and skills to care competently and safely for critically ill patients. It focuses on having the students expand their knowledge base and master critical care nursing psychomotor skills associated with assessment and provision of comprehensive nursing care for patient with acute life threatening conditions and attitudes. It also focuses on the application of immediate rapid and accurate nursing assessment and provision of quality nursing care according to priorities.

NUR4202 Women's Health

  • This course will examine various women’s health issues within the sociocultural, historical, and theoretical perspectives that underlie them. It aims to expand students' capacity to explore women’s health issues through diverse attitudes, knowledge, and values.

NUR4032 Genetics & Behavioral

  • This course is designed to introduce the principles of human diversity and patterns of inheritance, and interrelationship between genetic factors and the environment. Student will understand the basic genetic and genomic bases of various human diseases. Student also learn the latest trends in genetic and genomic research and therapies for use in nursing practice.

NUR4110 Patient Safety

  • This course will introduce students to relevant theory, tools, and methods in the fields of patient safety. This course addresses historical approaches to patient safety, public and private concerns regarding safety issues currently being provided, and newer risk-reduction strategies that are being implemented to address these concerns.

NUR4112 Nutrition & Diet

  • This course is designed to introduce students to principles of nutrition and clinical diet and their roles for health across the lifespan and health conditions. Students will obtain basic knowledge of assessment, goal setting, intervention designing and outcome evaluation appropriate to developmental stage and health status of individual client. Students will also learn how to identify and integrate multidisciplinary resources to resolve nutrition related health issues.

NUR4104 Health Care Policy and Nursing

  • This course examines the nature and role of leadership from the traditional, contemporary and servant leadership perspectives. A variety of leadership theories and styles are analyzed. Leadership concepts are addressed including accelerated change, team building, collaboration, workforce diversity, negotiation, conflict management, power and politics. Health policy formation is explored as it relates to access, quality and delivery of health services. Students examine their own leadership competency in relation to contemporary health care issues and public policy. Civic responsibility in nursing leadership is analyzed through field experiences.

NUR4123 Unification and Nursing

  • This course aims to increase interest in unification, to expand understanding of North Koreans, and to disseminate participatory culture in unification-related activities, and develop a new competency required in the era of unification by understanding the gap the reality of nursing and the health care systems between North and South Korea.

NUR4124 Healthy Ageing Design(CBL)

  • This course aims to propose ideas for developing products and technologies for healthy aging through the analysis of the current state of aging-friendly products and related technology development as well as the capstone design process, built upon the knowledge of health problems and patent application methods.

NUR4019 Understanding of Global Healthcare and Nursing I

  • This course will offer an overview of nursing and healthcare systems in Japan. The students will have the opportunity to learn about health care systems and practice in Japan by attending lectures and seminars and participating in practicum and site visits at hospitals and community healthcare settings.

NUR4018 Understanding of Global Healthcare and Nursing II

  • This course will offer an overview of nursing in the Canadian healthcare system. The students will have the opportunity to learn about acute care and primary health care by attending seminars and participating in tours at local hospitals and community health centers. The students will gain an understanding of the diversity of First Nations, Inuit and Metis people’s health and the challenges of rural and northern nursing. Vulnerable populations will be discussed in the context of health equity, including immigrants and people living in poverty.

NUR4020 Understanding of Global Healthcare and Nursing III

  • This course will offer an overview of nursing in the Chinese (Hong Kong) healthcare system. The students will have the opportunity to learn about acute care and primary health care by attending lectures and seminars and participating in clinical visits at local hospitals and community health centers.

NUR5105 Theory of School Health Education

  • As a course for teaching profession, students will be able to understand the principles of teaching and learning, establish goals, and choose teaching –learning and evaluation methods according to learning contents.

NUR5116 Study for Curriculum and Teaching Materials of School Health Education

  • This course is to learn the knowledge and skills necessary for school health curriculum and to develop competencies that can be applied in practice. Students will be able to establish a teaching-learning plan and to conduct a demonstrative class.

NUR2112 Community Service

  • The purpose of this course is to extend the understanding of people of various classes and cultural backgrounds based on the Christian spirit through experience participating in community service, and to cultivate global leadership for serving neighbors and society.

NUR5113 Chapel

  • This course is designed to have undergraduate students from various majors learn the spirit of Christianity based upon “truth and freedom (John 8:32),” the founding motto of the Yonsei University, and communicate how to fulfill this spirit while living in a rapidly changing society. In addition to lectures from experts in the Bible and Christianity, students will have a wide range of experiences on the founding ideology and Christian culture through lectures by various instructors, who try to practice Christian spirit in various field within the community.